shiny dashboard

Median Gross Rent in Virginia

My Role
Data Science Research Intern
Jun 23- Aug 23.

Shiny dashboard made with the R programming language, which contains a chloropeth map, 2 bar charts, and a table.

About this Project

This project aimed to use data from the American community survey website to plot graphs and maps which one could find patterns and draw conclusions from. I could pull any data of my choice and I chose to pull rent because I am intrigued on how the median gross rent varies from county to county in Virginia. Your rent could vary between $469 to $2094 maximum depending on where you live in Virginia. One conclusion that can be made is that northern Virginia is more expensive to live in than southern Virginia this can be seen in the color patterns on the chloropeth map. You noticed that northern Virginia is lighter which means rent is higher while southern Virginia is darker which means rent is lower. One reason for this could be because of its close proximity to the nation's capital, Washington DC. Also, its counties are home to a large number of professionals, good schools and job opportunities thus the higher rent.

Challenges faced

The most notable challenge faced was making the actual shiny dashboard. With the help of documentation and videos on the tidycensus library, I could easily plot the graphs, table, and map. However, there wasn’t much documentation on the shiny library, and the ones I found weren’t comprehensive. I solved this challenge by asking a senior team member for help; he addressed my questions, and the solution was clear as day.

Made in Webflow