This project aimed to use variables chosen from a merged data set to identify and visualize the top 5 and bottom 5 counties for any three states of my choice for those variables. The variables I chose were percent of home values more than $250,000, percent of home owners and median income. I chose these variables because one of my goals is to own my house with 5 years from graduating from college, so I used this data to see how feasible it would be in my dream states which are Maryland, New Jersey and California because those are among my dream states to live in. Looking at the chart many conclusions can be drawn. One of them is that California is the state with the most expensive houses as most of its counties are at the top of the percent of home values more than $250,000 chart . However, taking a look at the median income chart, people in California also earn the highest as its counties take the top three positions in that chart. Lastly, unsurprisingly more people living in Maryland and New Jersey own their homes compared to California which has more renters probably because of the expensive houses.
For the most part this visualization was easy to create. The only problem I had was merging the three separate bar charts into one row; with a little bit of googling I solved this by using the ggarrange method in the ggpubr library.